Category: Religious Issues

The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus: Carved panels portraying biblical narratives, such as Adam and Eve, the sacrifice of Isaac, Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the apprehension of Jesus.


Christian Art encompasses a wide array of mediums, from painting and sculpture to music, literature, and film. The unique blend of faith, spirituality, and creativity found in the works of Christian artists provides an inspiring interpretation of the Christian experience, as these artists use their art to express and explore their beliefs. The Roots of […]
Movie cover of 'I Can Only Imagine' (2018). Blurry silhouette of a man looking up at the sky, with a man and child walking away.


Hulu, one of the largest streaming platforms worldwide, has been continuously expanding its collection of movies and series, including an extensive array of Christian movies. These faith-based films serve to inspire, provoke thought, and present Christian values and biblical principles in a contemporary context. This article presents a comprehensive guide to some of the best […]
Album cover featuring Marvin Sapp singing, holding a microphone, and wearing a white coat against a dark background


Steeped in the soulful echoes of gospel music and the empowering tales of faith, “Marvin Sapp: A Symphony of Faith and Resilience” (referred to as “The Marvin Sapp Movie”) has etched a profound mark on the cinematic world. This biopic, centered around the life and journey of the gospel music powerhouse Marvin Sapp, paints a […]
Movie cover of The Ten Commandments (1956) with purple background and an elderly man dressed in traditional attire holding a tablet inscribed with ancient writings.


Over the past decade, Christian cinema has experienced a resurgence. Once a niche segment of the movie industry, it has now evolved into a mainstream film genre. A significant catalyst in this transformation has been the rise of streaming platforms like Amazon Prime. This digital platform has opened up a unique space for Christian movies, […]
a family with a child eating popcorn


The rise of streaming services in recent years has drastically reshaped the landscape of entertainment, offering an on-demand viewing experience at the comfort of your home. As this digital revolution took hold, a niche market emerged, that of Christian streaming services. These platforms are primarily dedicated to providing faith-based content that echoes Christian values and […]
a one-floor building with the “First Church of the Nazarene” inscription on it


The Nazarene religion, also known as the Church of the Nazarene, is a distinct Christian denomination that holds a rich history, steadfast beliefs, and a global presence. With a mission to make Christlike disciples in the nations, the Church embraces a set of core values and practices that guide its members’ lives. In this article, […]
A Christian church with the evening city and mountains in the background


Georgia, a beautiful country located between Europe and Asia, boasts a rich history and vibrant cultural heritage. From its stunning scenery to its hospitable people, the country offers a unique blend of traditions and customs. Religion has played an important role in shaping the country’s identity, and Georgia is home to many religious communities. In […]
Holy Etchmiadzin Cathedral


The Armenian people have deeply rooted and ancient religious traditions that have shaped their identity over the centuries. As one of the oldest Christian civilizations, Armenia’s religious heritage is a captivating fusion of early Christianity, indigenous beliefs, and cultural traditions. Armenian religion encompasses a complex tapestry of beliefs, rituals, and historical events that have contributed […]
Life Church logo


In today’s diverse religious landscape, various denominations and religious traditions offer unique perspectives on spirituality. One such congregation is Life Church, a non-denominational Christian church that has gained significant recognition in recent years.  With its emphasis on practical teaching, contemporary worship, and commitment to inclusiveness, Life Church has become a vibrant and growing spiritual home […]
An open hand raised against a sunny outdoor, with rays of sunlight shining through. The text '2222' is prominently displayed


Numerology, the ancient practice of exploring the correlation between numbers and one’s life and future events, has been embraced for centuries. According to this belief system, each number is thought to possess a unique vibration or energy that holds the power to shape the very fabric of the universe. One number that has captivated considerable […]