Are Tarot Cards Supposed to be Gifted?

Tarot Cards


The Superstition Surrounding Tarot Card Acquisition

Within the realm of superstition, an intriguing dualism presents itself, casting shadows upon the path to clarity. Firstly, it is proposed that the misuse of tarot cards invites the malevolent forces of negative energy, entangling the unwary in a web of misfortune and ill fate. Secondly, a pervasive urban legend haunts the collective imagination, asserting that tarot decks are not to be procured by one’s own volition but must rather be ceremoniously presented as gifts, laden with intention and significance. To venture forth in the quest for understanding, we must penetrate the dense mist obscuring the origins of these beliefs and discern their import within the intricate tapestry of the tarot community.

The Essence of Tarot and the Importance of Reverence

Tarot’s ethereal essence lends credence to the superstitious climate in which it dwells. The art of tarot demands the skilled practitioner to tap into profound spiritual energies, navigating the astral plane with grace and poise. Alas, this journey exacts a toll on the weary traveler, depleting their reserves of vitality if not approached with due caution. It is within this context that the tarot community upholds the importance of treating one’s deck with utmost reverence. Among the myriad customs and rituals enshrined within this sacred domain, the acquisition of a tarot deck assumes a position of paramount significance.

The Varied Interpretations of Tarot Gifting Superstition

Like tendrils of smoke spiraling upward, there exist varied interpretations of this belief. The most prevalent conjecture suggests that only the inaugural tarot deck, the harbinger of one’s divinatory voyage, should be tendered as a gift. This act of bestowal can manifest serendipitously, with the deck appearing mysteriously at the crossroads of one’s existence, or it may be gifted with intention and purpose by a fellow seeker. Crafted decks or those acquired by unconventional means are not deemed sacrilegious, yet the forbidden fruit of commerce—buying a deck with one’s own funds—is shunned as an act of profanity against the sanctity of tarot.
And yet, amidst this convoluted tapestry, some stalwarts of the tarot gift superstition vehemently argue that all subsequent tarot decks, irrespective of their position in the seeker’s journey, should be acquired through the auspices of gifting. It is an unyielding stance, an invocation to imbue each deck with the sanctified energy of the giver, for it is within this energetic infusion that protection and enlightenment reside. Thus, the argument stands, echoing through the hallowed halls of the tarot community.

Unearthing the Origins of the Tarot Gift Superstition

To unearth the genesis of this belief, we must venture into the annals of history when tarot cards were rare, elusive treasures coveted by a select few. Those who wielded them were often shunned by society, relegated to the fringes of acceptance. Obtaining a personal deck proved a herculean task, a journey fraught with obstacles unless one found themselves ensconced within the esteemed lineage of tarot readers or embraced by the esoteric embrace of a secretive cabal.

However, with the advent of commercialization, tarot cards underwent a metamorphosis. The mystical realm of tarot collided with the stark realities of mass production, and the seasoned guardians of the ancient craft viewed these newly minted decks with trepidation. It was postulated that these commercial offerings, bereft of the ethereal resonance imbued by the hands of experienced adepts, exuded negative energy, akin to the malevolent allure of mass-produced Ouija boards. The tempest of perception raged on, a testament to the potent human propensity to project our fears and beliefs onto the tangible artifacts that populate our existence.

The Interplay of Belief and Energy

Intriguingly, the intensity of a culture’s belief in a phenomenon invariably gives rise to the accumulation of negative energy within the collective subconscious. This intricate dance between belief and energy lends credence to the cautionary tale of Ouija boards, which unwittingly beckon to the netherworld, our subconscious primed to engage with the sinister forces that lurk within. In the not-so-distant past, tarot cards swam in the same sea of swirling energy, their mystique shrouded in enigma, accessible only to those fortunate enough to receive firsthand tutelage from enlightened mentors.
A deck received as a gift, it is argued, carries within its fibers the ethereal essence of the giver, rendering it a vessel of protection and sanctuary. In this light, the superstition that enveloped tarot acquisition bore seeds of rationality and truth, nurtured by the fertile soils of experiential wisdom.

The New Epoch of Tarot

Yet, as the pendulum of time continues its relentless sway, the landscape of tarot undergoes a metamorphosis of its own. Once an enigma whispered about in hushed tones, tarot now thrives in the open air, embraced by a myriad of souls, transcending the boundaries of religion, culture, and personal inclinations. Christians and non-Christians alike find solace in its mystical embrace. Social media platforms pulsate with the cadence of tarot spreads, inviting virtual voyagers to partake in the sacred dance of divination. The market flourishes with a kaleidoscope of tarot decks, ranging from whimsical designs adorned with jovial felines to masterpieces of artistic expression.
In this brave new world of tarot, modern practitioners cast off the shackles of superstition that once gripped their predecessors. They forge their own destinies, fearlessly procuring decks of their choosing, be it their inaugural voyage into the realm of divination or subsequent explorations into the ever-unfolding cosmos of possibilities. Reports abound of these daring seekers defying the confines of the tarot gifting superstition, their spirits unscathed, their experiences untainted by the specter of spiritual affliction. The omnipresent fear that once clung to the subconscious mind has evaporated like morning mist, dissipated by the radiant light of a community emboldened by their collective evolution.

Embracing Tarot, Shaping Destiny

In the final analysis, let it be known that the tarot deck you acquire, whether through personal purchase or through the serendipitous dance of gifting, is unlikely to bear the burden of negative energy. You, dear seeker, possess the power to wield tarot as a potent spiritual tool, shaping your destiny and unraveling the enigma of the universe on your own terms. Should you be the fortunate recipient of a tarot deck as a gift, exercise caution, ensuring that the giver is a trusted confidant, for it is within their intent and energy that lies the potential to shape the arc of your divinatory journey. This sheds light on why many tarot practitioners prefer new decks, affording them the agency to mold the energetic imprint that permeates their tarot cards.
So, my intrepid seeker, as you embark upon the labyrinthine path of tarot, embrace the ebb and flow of its complexities. Revel in the freedom to acquire and wield tarot decks according to your own desires and aspirations. As the veil of mystery unravels before your eyes, wield your deck as a beacon of enlightenment, a conduit to the realms beyond, and a faithful companion on your journey of self-discovery. Let the tapestry of tarot unfold, bursting forth with perplexity and burstiness, mirroring the multifaceted nature of the human experience itself.